Stangler Forestry Company  is the family bussiness with
a long tradition of forests administration and wood trade.

Family forests administration
and wood trade

Stangler‘s Forestry Company was founded in 1993 with the aim of Private Forests administration and Wood Trade Development. The historic trade mark comes from the origin of the family clan history while the present professional skills are based on the experience in administration of state owned forests "LCR s.p." for many years before 1993. The stable company development is proved and supported by the stabilized partners structure as well as the large scope the new innovative projects and activities.


+420 723 193 394


Lučice 54
Havlíčkův Brod
582 35
Czech republic

NEW  phone 723 193 394


Reg. No: 47472014
VAT No.: CZ 47472014
Registered at the Trade Register Hradec Králové: clause A, no. 3323